Bridezillas at Joost

I got myself a Joost invite yesterday because people all over the blogosphere were talking about it and I was curious. In case you’ve never heard of Joost before, it’s an Internet TV. The TV programs are played streaming and on-demand, with commercials and stuff. There are a number of channels available. At least one of them should pique your interest.

Anyway, I didn’t find anything I wanted to watch yesterday, but this morning, I started watching this reality show called Bridezillas, and I’m hooked. I’ve been on Bridezillas marathon all day, only pausing to do laundry (all three loads of them, thank you very much). Man, those brides are scary, but if they weren’t, the show probably wouldn’t be all that interesting.

If you’re like me and you like watching women getting crazily obsessed over a wedding (actually, I like watching anyone getting crazily obsessed over anything because it’s always entertaining), you want to get Joost. Of course you need a high-speed internet connection to enjoy this free service. If you’re interested in trying it out, just leave a comment with your email address and I’ll send you one.

Categorised as Life


  1. Can I have one please?
    Btw, I just added your blog to my favorites at stumbleupon. (How cute isn’t it?)

  2. A joost invite would be much appreciated!
    Bridezillas sounds entertaining as much as I love watching “crazy obsessed women” (aka women)

  3. It does sound interesting. I have a TV tuner card in my computer and I do use it to watch TV. I don’t do this very often, but I have used it. It’s less than perfect.
    So, yes, I’d love an invitation. I’ll try it.

  4. I’ve heard about Joost and would love to receive an invite. Could you pass one on (if you haven’t reached some kind of limit!) πŸ™‚

  5. i heard about it, but havent checked into it. if youve still got some invites, i would love one.

  6. Well, I suspect most of them got here searching for Joost invites and aren’t really regular readers. πŸ™‚

  7. Hey Firda,
    udah lama juga saya liat2 blog kamu, tp gak pernah nulis ke kamu..nah skrg just like the rest of the people, want to see joost and need you to invite me hehe..kalo bisaaaa lhoo
    eh, satu lagi, kita ini satu almamater, hidup jaket kuning!!!
    Trus, kok bisa nyasar dr Tangerang ke Canada? hehe
    Saya juga gede di daerah Tangerang!! Lucu ya..jauh2 ternyata ada aja yg sekampung..
    ok, ditunggu ya!

  8. thanks much for the invite-erino Firda πŸ™‚
    It’s not too bad at all…
    From time to time it gets a little wonky, but I have enjoyed a good bit of Guinness world record programs whilst I surf the interweeb…

  9. Hai Firda,
    I stumbled upon your blog. Nice! Masih ada nggak invitenya? Pingin liat Joost juga dong. Tengkyu..!
    Ini tantenya Ayra yang satu lagi lho… πŸ™‚ Kapan ke London lagi? Drop me a line.

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