The Obligatory Post About My Brand Spanking New Digital SLR Camera

New Toy!

Watching Death Cab For Cutie’s I Will Follow You Into the Dark video first thing in the morning is really not the best way to start your day. I ended up bawling my eyes out. If you think the song is depressing, wait until you watch the video. I actually watched the video a couple more times after the first time because I’m a glutton for punishment and I ended up bawling. Every. Single. Time.

I did get my brand spanking new digital SLR camera in the mail on Wednesday, by the way, but it came with an additional feature (since Canon refuses to call it a malfunction): a dead pixel on the 2.5 inch LCD screen. If you paid lots of money on a product, you’d expect the product to be perfect, right? So that night we brought the camera back to Future Shop for an exchange. After waiting around for what felt like ages, we drove home with another Canon Digital Rebel XTi. I hated having to charge the battery all over again (90 minutes is a frickin’ long time!) but I didn’t have any other choice. Once the battery was all charged, I tested the camera and this one turned out to be perfect. Yay!

I wanted to call my camera Chuck Norris but Troy thought it was dumb. He wanted to call it Christi (XTi, Christi — got it?) but I thought it was lame. I think I’m going to call it Penelope instead. Not after Penelope Cruz, but after one of James Kim’s daughters. I didn’t post about the camera on Wednesday because I was upset about James Kim — the CNet senior editor who went missing while searching for help for his stranded family — being found dead. It’s amazing how much the live (or death) of strangers can affect you.

I still have yet to take the camera outside. Hopefully I’ll be able to do it this weekend. The weather is supposed to be warmish on Sunday. That would be nice for a change.

Categorised as Life


  1. Congrats!
    Make sure you get yourself a card reader if you don’t have one. It’s not good for the camera to keep plugging it into USB. It’s much slower to transfer via card reader too πŸ™‚

  2. I watched the video and yep it made me cry as well! Although I cry at everything so . . . πŸ™‚
    Good luck with your new camera – I love getting new toys! I have a Canon (different model) and I think they are great cameras.

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